Copyright © AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Department of New York
Honoring Past Department Presidents
*Vera Shotts……………….1947-48
*Agnes Morris…………….1948-49
*Vera Shotts……………….1949-50
*Lois Cudney………………1950-51
*Dorothea Sherf………… 1951-52
*Adele Eisnitz………………1952-54
*Nita Rork……………………1954-55
*Ruth Reynolds……………1955-56
*Nina Cooley……………….1956-57
*Gert McEnery…………….1957-58
*Roberta Burton………….1958-59
*Clara Keough……………..1959-60
Catherine Knapik………..1960-61
Agnes Baer………………….1961-62
*Blanche Reynolds……… 1962-63
*Ethyl Peters………………. 1963-64
*Irene Wolasz……………….1964-65
*Mary Wolf……………………. 1965-66
Loraine Brown……………….. 1966-67
Honore Mailer………………… 1967-68
Emma S. Townsend………… 1968-69
*Mary S. Stinson……………. 1969-70
*Mary Kennedy……………… 1970-71
Sally Connors…………………….1971-72
*Joan Florio……………………….1972-73
* Lynn Hunter……………………..1973-74
*Ethyl Peters……………………….1974-75
*Mary Holes…………………….…1975-76
*Edith Schramm………………….1976-77
*Josephine Muller……………….1977-78
*Sylvia Lipowski………………….1978-79
Rose Mary Blachowski………1979-80
*Theresa Adams…………………..1980-81
*Jeanne Dick……………………….1981-82
* Margaret Bugaj ...................1982-83
Lillian Tasso............................1983-84
*Joan Mutka………………………..1984-85
*Theresa Broadway……………. 1985-86
Our Department of N.Y. AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is pleased to honor and remember our fantastic Past Department Presidents. Each of these ladies has given time, energy, and selfless sacrifice to our Veterans, children, and communities.
We are proud of your service and devotion to our organization. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all of our outstanding PDP’s.
* Deceased. Remembered Forever
*Fay Delucia……………………… 1986-87
*Dorothy Therrien……………… 1987-88
*Marie Curr……………………………1988-89
*Dolores Schmauser……………..1989-90
Sheila Sloup………………………1990-91
Holly Widenska…………………. 1991-92
Sally Connors……………………. 1992-93
Rose Mary Blachowski……. 1993-94
Jean Dunphy…………………… . 1994-95
*Marie Curr………………………..1995-96
*Margaret Bugaj …………………1996-97
*Dorothy Wustrow…………. 1997-98
Fannie Sclafani……………………1998-99
*June Sawinski……………….. 1999-2000
Marie Rynski…………………….2000-01
Zella Durant……………………..2001-02
*Rose Baldwin…………………. 2002-03
Nancy Convertini…………….. 2003-04
*Dorothy B. Reuvain………… 2004-05
Sandra Hopkins……………….2005-06
*Patricia Rubado……………… 2006-07
Mary A. Lanphere…………. 2007-08
Jane DeSanctis………………. 2008-09
Carol Russo…………………… 2009-10
Karen Kemp …………………. 2010-11
Rosalee Waid………………. 2011-12
*Miriam Woodward……….. 2012-13
Shirley Sochia………………2013-14
Gloria Morck…………………. 2014-15
Kathy Ballard……………… 2015-16
Candy Clemens............... 2016-17
Laura Rose Bugaj............ 2017-18
Donna Smith................... 2018-19
Deborah Stondell........... 2019-21 (Covid 19)
Cindy Queyor..................2021-22
Susan Gardner................2022-23
Linda "Chickie" George.2023-24