1. To serve our country in peace as in war; to build and maintain the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all its inhabitants.
2. To encourage, in keeping with the policies of our Government, the establishment of a concrete plan to secure permanent international peace and to assist in the maintenance of international peace.
3. To inspire in our membership a sense of responsibility and to develop leadership for the preservation of our American democratic way of life.
4. To help unify divergent groups in the overall interest of American democracy.
5. To train our youth to become purposeful citizens in a democracy with full knowledge of the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship.
6. To cooperate with all duly recognized existing veteran's organizations in the furtherance of the aims of the American Veteran.
7. To keep the public forever reminded that the American Veteran fought, served and died to preserve peace, liberty and democracy for their nation
8. To aid in the fulfillment of the Aims and Purposes of the American Veteran, our parent organization.
9. To promote the welfare and fellowship of our members and families.
10. To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of the veteran by sponsoring and giving support to educational opportunities, to recreational advantages, to hospitalization and personal problems, and to support the veteran in all legislation for veterans benefits.
11. To recognize that the organization known as AMVETS, and chartered by Congressional action on July 23, 1947, is the parent organization, and that all organizational divisions of the Auxiliary exist solely to promote the interest of the parent body; therefore, they cannot act independently except as it favors the objectives of AMVETS.
Copyright © AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Department of New York
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary
Membership is open to the mothers, wives, widows, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, and granddaughters of AMVETS and female Veterans who are currently serving or have honorably served in the Armed Forces of the United States, including the National Guard and Reserve components, anytime after September 15, 1940.
We need women just like you who care about our country and our Veterans. YOU have a lot to give to children, YOUR community, seniors, Veterans and others hospitalized, Veterans and active military. Using all of your talents “YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY”. AMVETS LADIES AUXILIARY and its members have made a difference across New York State and across the USA. AMVETS LADIES AUXILIARY DEPARTMENT OF NEW YORK is looking forward to meeting and working with you. Please join with us as we help our Veterans and our communities.
Our National projects include Freedom Foundation, Paws With A Cause, John Tracy Clinic, Scholarships, St. Jude’s Hospital, Veteran’s Affairs Voluntary Service Programs. Recently, our Department sponsored “Bags For Babies” ( collection of baby items for the Veteran moms at the VA’s and their babies). In the Spring, the Department is working as an AMVET Family with the Sons, Riders, and AMVETS in Binghamton for “Stand Up For Veterans”. Our Department of New York also gives out the Rose Baldwin Scholarship each year. Also each local auxiliary sponsors its own projects to benefit, Americanism, Scholarship, Hospital, Child Welfare and Community Service.
To be eligible for membership in AMVETS LADIES AUXILIARY one must be:
*Related to a member of AMVETS. AND
*A woman 18 years of age or older. OR
*Related to a deceased veteran who could have been eligible for membership in AMVETS OR
*A female Veteran.
Please fill out our Auxiliary membership application located under forms. We can’t wait to have you as a new AMVET Ladies Auxiliary sister!